Luke 2:22-39 In 2013 the 77-year-long wait for a British Wimbledon men’s champion came to an end, and joy and relief swept the country. Now that Jesus has come, the centuries-long wait for the Saviour is over. It’s party-time for our world!
Luke 2:22-39 In 2013 the 77-year-long wait for a British Wimbledon men’s champion came to an end, and joy and relief swept the country. Now that Jesus has come, the centuries-long wait for the Saviour is over. It’s party-time for our world!
Luke 2:1-20 ‘He came down to earth from heaven, who is God and Lord of all’. So says the Christmas carol. But is it true? And if so, why did he bother? And how should we respond?
John 10:22-30 Christianity has been around for millennia. In this country, there are churches everywhere, the basics are taught in schools, and Christmas has a high profile. Yet, despite all this, committed Christians seem few and far between, including in our workplaces. Surely, if Christianity is true, more would believe? To address this question, we’ll consider what Jesus has to say in John 10.
Isaiah 49:1-14“How do I do broomstick crochet?” is a question of interest to no-one but a few specialists. “How can I get more joy in my life?” is a question of interest to all of us. The answer is revealed in Isaiah 49. It tells us how every day can be a party day!
Isaiah 42:1-12 Is Jesus really the Christ, the Son of God, come into the world to rescue us? What’s the evidence? At Easter time we rightly focus on his resurrection as proof, but one compelling strand of evidence we sometimes overlook is the Old Testament prophecies about the one God would send. In this ‘Prophecy for Dummies’ series we look at three of them in the book of Isaiah.
Mark 10:45George Orwell said there were four great motives for writing, the first of which was ‘Sheer egoism: desire to seem clever, to be talked about, to be remembered after your death’. So much of life is self-serving. But that was not so with Jesus, and should not be so with his followers.
Revelation 1:17-18 The other day I found myself staring at a gravestone inscribed with the words, ‘In loving memory. Taken from us on Friday 7th July 2045’. According to the calculations of the online Death Clock, I have just 11,077 days left. The headstone was mine. Sooner or later that day will indeed come. What hope is there?
Revelation 1:17-18 The other day I found myself staring at a gravestone inscribed with the words, ‘In loving memory. Taken from us on Friday 7th July 2045’. According to the calculations of the online Death Clock, I have just 11,077 days left. The headstone was mine. Sooner or later that day will indeed come. What hope is there?
Some claim that believing in the Bible is building your life on a fairy-story or legend. But Simon Edwards, a former lawyer, examines the evidence and puts the case for the Bible being historically trustworthy and reliable.
Romans 1:18-23 Stephen Fry recently launched an anti-God tirade on an Irish TV show and got 2 million youtube viewings even before the program was aired. Russell Brand replied with a clip entitled “Is there a God? Yes, and Stephen Fry proves it.” What these men have in common is that they both understand the huge significance of this question of God’s existence for every one of us. Listen in as we consider how we can find real answers to this vital issue.