
歡迎來到我們的教會 聖彼德運河船教會!




我們教會相信有關耶穌基督作為世人的主及救主的福音,您能在這裏閲讀有關福音的簡介,而這裏能找到我們的基本教義 (Statement of Faith) 。我們相信:



人的救贖為經文所啟示,必須藉著神兒子耶穌基督的捨身救贖,世人只有透過對基督的信心,靠神的恩典, 為彰顯神的榮耀,才能得到救贖。


我們確信神對整個世界擁有主權,並感恩祂對萬事萬物的仁愛。隨著英國政府最近對香港有意移居英國的居民發出特別簽証及移民政策,預計將會有不少的香港人抵達英國,開展新的生活。有些可能會選擇以倫敦碼頭區 (London Docklands Area) 為工作或居住地。如果您正在籌備或已抵達倫敦,我們非常期待您能於參與我們於聖彼德運河船教會的聚會!



主日崇拜 – 星期日 – 上午11時至下午12.15

中午講座 – 星期三及四 – 下午1.15-1.50 (透過zoom參與)

我們另有其他探討課程及查經團契,於星期二/三晚上或主日下午進行。如您有興趣參與,請您電郵至[email protected],讓我們可聯繫您並提供更多有關資料。


我們非常希望能於代禱及於其他方面提供幫助,讓您在剛抵達一個新國家及新環境能儘快適應。我們有特定的團隊回應您的查詢及提供相應的支援,無論是有關英國生活的查詢或其他,請隨時與我們聯絡[email protected],您提供的所有資料均會保密。

Welcome to our church St Peter’s Barge! 

Who we are

We are a local church at London Canary Wharf area and our vision is to help people to become and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Whatever your background, and whether you are looking at finding out more about Christian faith or a church family to grow and serve as a Christian, we would love to invite you to join us at one of our events and services.

What we believe

Our church believes in the good news about Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, and you can find the gospel which is summed up here,  A fuller explanation of our statement of faith is here.  We believe in the ultimate authority of the bible and the Trinitarian nature of God, and salvation is revealed in Scripture alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone, by grace alone, to the glory of God alone.

You just arrived in the UK?

We believe in the sovereignty of God and His kindness in placing the world the way He intended.  With the new visa proposed by the UK government to the people of Hong Kong, it was estimated that there would be a significant numbers of new arrivals in the UK from Hong Kong in the next few years.  We are very pleased that these newly arrived may decide to reside in the London Docklands area, and if you are either considering or already settled here, we would love to welcome you to join us at St Peter’s Barge. 

How to get involved

We have both Sunday and Midweek ministry and you can join us at one of our services/talks:-

Sunday Services: Sun 11am-12.15pm

Lunchtime Talks: Wed & Thu 1.15-1.50pm (currently via zoom)

We also have Tuesday exploration courses and Wednesday/Sunday Growth Group bible study fellowship.  Please get in touch on [email protected] if you would like to receive more details on these events.

How we can support

We would love to offer any practical support as well as any prayer requests, to help you to settle well in a new country.  We have a dedicated team to reach out for any questions or needs you may have, or any questions you may have for living in the UK. Please get in touch on [email protected] so we can get to know you more and know how to best support you.  All the information we receive will be kept in confidential.