Nearest DLR stations
West India Quay (3 mins walk); Canary Wharf (6 mins walk)
Nearest Underground station
Canary Wharf – Elizabeth line (5 mins walk)
Canary Wharf – Jubilee line (10 mins walk)
Local bus routes
D3, D7, D8, 135, 277
You can park for free on Sundays anywhere in front of the Cannon Workshops on Hertsmere Road, but only if you have provided us with your car make, model and registration well in advance of parking there. Failure to do so will incur a £100 penalty charge! Please leave 3 parking spaces in front of the Docklands Diner for their customers.
You can also park for free on Garford Street and Milligan Street (both about 10mins walk). Cabot Square Car Park and Westferry Circus Car Park, £4.80 for up to 2 hrs (free on weekends with purchases at Canary Wharf), 5 mins walk. Multi-storey car park on Hertsmere Road, £5.00 for up to 2 hrs, 5 mins walk.
There are also these multi-story car parks:
West India Quay Car Park, Hertsmere Road, E14 4AN: £5.00 (up to 2 hours)
Canary Wharf Cabot Square, E14 4PA: £4.80 (up to 2 hours)
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