Growth Group
St Peter's Barge St Peter's Barge, London, E14 4ALGrowth Groups provide an opportunity to study the Bible, pray & get to know others in a smaller group. Groups meet on the Barge. Groups meet from 7:30-9pm. Door opens at 7pm for dinner.
Growth Groups provide an opportunity to study the Bible, pray & get to know others in a smaller group. Groups meet on the Barge. Groups meet from 7:30-9pm. Door opens at 7pm for dinner.
Series: Radical Title: Radical Giving Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-34 Speaker: Marcus Nodder
Join us on Friday mornings for friendship, cake and a cup of tea or coffee! We meet on St Peter’s Barge from 10 – 11:30am. Children aged 4 and under welcome.
Series: Origins Title: What is man? Bible Text: Genesis 1-2 Speaker: Marcus Nodder
Series: In the Beginning Title: Does God exist? Bible Text: Genesis 1 Speaker: Marcus Nodder
Series: In the Beginning Title: Does God exist? Bible Text: Genesis 1 Speaker: Marcus Nodder
Growth Groups provide an opportunity to study the Bible, pray & get to know others in a smaller group. Groups meet on the Barge. Groups meet from 7:30-9pm. Door opens at 7pm for dinner.
Series: In the Beginning Title: Does God exist? Bible Text: Genesis 1 Speaker: Marcus Nodder
Join us on Friday mornings for friendship, cake and a cup of tea or coffee! We meet on St Peter’s Barge from 10 – 11:30am. Children aged 4 and under welcome.
Series: Origins Title: What is life? Bible Text: Genesis 1-2 Speaker: Marcus Nodder Lunch after service – Bring ‘n share lunch after morning service on the Barge.