“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” 2 Corinthians 8:9
Why give?
Your contribution makes an enormous difference. Financing the ministry of the Barge is dependent upon the giving of the church family and friends. We need every member of the Barge family, Midweek or Sunday, to support and contribute to the Barge’s gospel ministry. For more detail about how to give, email the Barge finance team at treasurer@stpetersbarge.org, or the Barge office at info@stpetersbarge.org.
Financial information
Only around 1 in every 2 people who are part of the Barge family give. For people who are committed to the Barge ministry, please could you make a contribution, large or small, to support God’s work?
St Peter’s CW Trust, A/C 20514646, Sort: 50-00-00
A biblical perspective
One of the most concentrated passages on the subject of giving is in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, chapters 8 and 9. It is worth taking the time to study these before coming to any decisions.
Ten principles of giving
- Sacrificially (2 Corinthians 8:1-2) – despite our needs
- Generously (8:3-7) – as much as we are able
- Gratefully (8:8-9) – for the grace of Christ who though rich became poor that we might be rich
- Realistically (8:10-12) – according to our means
- Equally (8:13-15) – giving of our plenty to help supply what others need
- Properly (8:16-24) – ensuring that our management of money is beyond reproach
- Actually (9:1-5) – to ensure our practice matches our claims
- Freely (9:6-7) – not reluctantly but cheerfully
- Confidently (9:8-11) – knowing that God will always supply our needs
- Encouragingly (9:12-17) – others will praise for God for what he is doing in our lives
What next?
Take some time out to consider your personal finances.
Pray… ask God how best you can support His work with the money He has given you.
Decide… on an amount to give and complete a giving form (link below).
Return the forms below to the Treasurer at the church office.