Helping those exploring the Christian claims
Articles and talks on common questions and culture
Two Ways to Live
A simple summary of the Christian message in six pictures with a brief explanation of each.
Explains what a Christian is, and provides answers to common questions people ask.
God and Science
Resources on the relationship between science and the Christian faith.
Evolution and Darwinism
Resources on evolution and Darwinism by Phillip Johnson, Professor Law emeritus at Berkley.
Open Doors
Serving persecuted Christians worldwide.
Helping Christians to share their faith
A UCCF resource to help Christians students engage with common objections and with modern culture.
The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
A host of resources about other religions and common questions.
Probe ministries
Integrating faith and learning, with articles on faith and science, culture, sexuality, world religions.
Helping Christians to grow in their faith
Bible Gateway
Free online Bible in a multitude of translations and languages, plus search facility.
Free Bible study software for download (translations, concordances, dictionaries, search facility).
Online Parallel Bible
Parallel translations plus concordance and Bible dictionary.
Robert Murray McCheyne: Bible-in-a-year plan
Theology Network
This UCCF site is a treasure chest of theological resources.
The Briefing Library
An online library of articles from the Briefing magazine archives.
The Theologian
Excellent theological and pastoral resources.
Beginning with Moses
Articles about biblical theology, book reviews, preaching.
Sydney Anglicans
Articles on theology and issues in the Church today, with useful links section.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
A huge electronic library of Christians classics and reference works.
Desiring God
Free online books and resources by John Piper.
On Christianity
Answers to difficult questions plus a host of other useful materials and links.
The Christian Institute
Helping Christians take a stand for truth on major ethical debates in society.
The Barnabas Fund
Making known the needs of perscuted Christians around the world.
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Helping Christians to think biblically about the relationship between men and women.
Christian Bookshops
The Good Book Company
Christian books and Bible study resources.
Christian Focus Publications
Christian books at both popular and more academic level.
Inter-Varsity Press
The publishing arm of the UCCF.
Christian Flatshare
We recommend – a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping Christians find a home in London. You can advertise and search on-line for accommodation offered and wanted.
Husk Coffee
Husk Coffee is an arts centre, bookshop and cafe. Most of all it is a place to come and relax, be creative and perhaps meet others.