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Lunchtime talk: WHICH?

Idea Store - Churchill Place Idea Store, Churchill Place Shopping Mall, London, United Kingdom

Which light are you following? (John 8:12)

Lunchtime talk: WHICH?

St Peter's Barge St Peter's Barge, London, E14 4AL

Which light are you following? (John 8:12)

Barge weekend away – Latimer Place

Latimer Place Latimer Place, Latimer, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, , United Kingdom

EVERYDAY GOSPEL - How the gospel answers the human heart  Speaker: Peter Harris We hope that you will join us for our next weekend away with the church family! The weekend is a great way to get to know others from both congregations of the Barge better. There will be time set aside to look at…

Lunchtime talk – Do you want to spoil my fun?

Idea Store - Churchill Place Idea Store, Churchill Place Shopping Mall, London, United Kingdom

Series: Questions for God... Do you want to spoil my fun? Guest speaker: Jamie Child

Special Sunday Service (All-age) 10:30a.m.

St Peter's Barge St Peter's Barge, London, E14 4AL

Which light are you following? Are you ever afraid of the dark? Why does it frighten us? Why do we find the dark spooky? The dark can be scary, but there’s something that destroys it every time – the light. As people are preparing for Halloween, come and find out why it’s such good news…

Special Sunday Service 6p.m. – Guest service

St Peter's Barge St Peter's Barge, London, E14 4AL

Which master are you serving? The late Christopher Hitchens said he didn’t want there to be a God, because he didn’t want to be “under the permanent control and supervision of an unalterable celestial dictator”. Like him many people resent any idea of being under God’s authority. But is the alternative really the freedom people…