Lunchtime talk: …in an unbeliever’s crisis?
Idea Store - Churchill Place Idea Store, Churchill Place Shopping Mall, London, United an unbeliever's crisis? (Genesis 41)
By Andrew Latimer
By Andrew Latimer
By Andrew Latimer
Speaker: Andrew Latimer
Have we got the history right? (Dr Peter J Williams)
How early were core Christian beliefs established? Are early Christian records legend, myth or fabrication? How easy would it have been for fabricated accounts of Jesus to be circulated?
By Andrew Latimer
By Andrew Latimer
By Andrew Latimer
God made the world
(Psalm 8)
Have we got the text right? (Dr Dirk Jongkind)
What is the evidence for the NT text? Has the Bible been deliberately corrupted or changed through the passage of time? What can we know about the people who handed down the NT?
Standing for Christ (Luke 12:8-12)