The great news is that from this coming Sunday (Sept 27), God willing, we will be holding physical services on the Barge at 11:00 & 18:00. We are still working on getting back into Cineworld, but we want to make something happen sooner, so we have decided to start on the Barge. These will be our first physical Sunday services for 6 months – our last service was on March 15th – so it’s very exciting!
We are conscious that some would love to come but are unable to because of health or age, and we share your sadness about that. And others will not feel ready to attend yet. So we will be continuing online provision in the form of a Livestream of the 11:00 on the Barge YouTube channel. Children are welcome, but sadly we are unable to provide Sunday School or Creche on the Barge. Sunday School will be continuing at the usual times on Zoom before the 11:00.
For those attending, please read the information below. It is vital that you read this carefully. For example, you cannot just turn up – you need to have pre-registered.
Please note that places of worship are not required to close under any tier of the alert system. All it means is that social interaction between attendees is more restricted under the higher tiers. So now under Tier 2 the only difference is that when inside the Barge we cannot now socialise with others outside our household or bubble, but we can continue to do so on the quayside, as we have been doing, under the rule of six. So please don’t let Tier 2 put you off coming to physical services.
- Please pre-register to attend by filling in this form. If you are a household you can fill in just one form, listing all those from the household who will be attending. This is a government recommendation, but also helps ensure everyone attending is to the best of their knowledge fit and able to attend. The deadline for registering is Friday at 12.00 noon.
- Please bring a face-covering unless you come under the exemptions mentioned here. Face coverings must be worn throughout your time at the Barge.
- Please bring your own Bible, (and notebook and pen if you want to take notes!). Service sheets will be available, left on a table for you to help yourself, but if you prefer to print off the service sheet at home (or access it on your phone) please do.
- Please plan your travel following TfL guidelines
- If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend
On arrival
- Please aim to arrive in good time, so that we don’t have a queue just before 11:00. The Barge will be open from 10:30. Entry will be through the normal main door. On entry please use hand sanitiser (bring your own if at all possible). A one-way system is in place.
- If you do need to queue outside the Barge, please maintain a distance of 2 metres
- A QR code will be on the wall. Please scan it with your phone, if you are happy to give your details. This is for the government test and trace system.
- On arrival please go directly to your seats, as there is no space for people to informally gather once they’ve entered the building. We need to fill up from the front, at the far end (the screen end), so that you don’t have to walk past others who are already seated. Once seated please do not move around the Barge, except to go to the toilet. If you need help for any reason, please indicate to a Steward and they will come to you.
- Chairs are set out in twos. Please only sit two of you together if you are from the same household or bubble, and please do not move any seats. (A different set of chairs is used for the service at 18:00)
- You must only interact/converse with a group of maximum six people. Children are included in these group numbers.
- The toilets can be used, but just one person at a time and no queuing in the corridor.
- Sadly singing is not allowed, so during songs please quietly reflect on the words being sung on screen – and sing in your heart and mind!
- At the end of the service we will have a Q&A time, with a link to which people can text their questions. Those watching the service online will join this Q&A time on Zoom and also be able to text questions.
- When the Q&A time has finished we will open up Breakout Rooms for those on Zoom. Those on the Barge will exit through the kitchen. A one way system is in use. Please exit one row at a time from the screen end, and when you leave please head straight up the pontoon onto the quayside.
- Once you are on the quayside please continue to follow government social distancing advice – that is, you can only interact in a group of six maximum, socially distancing. You must not mingle or have conversations with anyone in another group of six. It should be that once your visit to the church is over you only interacted with maximum five other people who attended. This number does not however include stewards and staff – you can interact with five others plus them.
If you have any questions or concerns before attending, please do not hesitate to ask a Staff Member.
We look forward to welcoming many of you onto the Barge on Sunday!