Mission Partners

Musawenkosi (Musa) Ntinga

Born and bred in KwaZulu-Natal, Musa studied Civil Engineering in UKZN where he met his wife Masana and served in Christ Church Glenwood. He worked as an Engineer for 4 years before completing his BTh at George Whitefield College. In October his family got a little bigger with the birth of their son Ayabonga. Musa’s hobbies include binging on a good TV series, analysing politics and watching sports.

Eric Egati

Eric became a Christian in 2014 after being greatly disturbed by evil spirits. After his pastor prayed with him, Eric accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. At a prayer retreat in 2019, Eric felt called to enter ordained ministry. He has a heart for helping vulnerable people, especially orphans and widows. However, Eric also feels strongly his need to be properly trained to handle the Bible and to teach others. Eric’s predecessor did not invest in training new pastors, so his diocese is about to face a serious shortage of trained clergy.

Walter Cwinyaai

Walter received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour in 1993, when he was nine years old. Hearing about Jesus in Sunday school and then joining the church choir made a big impact on Walter and helped him grow in his faith. Later on, he was given the responsibility of running his church’s missions department.

St Andrew’s Church Kendray: Sian Pearson (Youth Worker)

St Andrew’s Kendray is a busy and growing church in the middle of a council estate. There are high levels of unemployment and addiction. We seek to reach the people of Kendray with the good news of Jesus including through a number of children’s and youth groups from birth up to 18. Sian Pearson (Youth Worker) runs 3 youth groups and the Sunday youth teaching and serves in the 2 children’s groups midweek. 


GrowTH is an initiative by local churches in Tower Hamlets to respond to homelessness in our local community. Their main project is an emergency night shelter which provides both immediate shelter for homeless men and women and assistance in securing more permanent longer-term accommodation. Their night shelter operates for seven months of the year and guests are welcomed from the local area without discrimination or favour.


Crossteach is an educational charity which has been teaching about the Christian faith in schools since 2001. They visit lots of different types of schools – primary and secondary, community and Church of England, private and state-funded, academy and maintained. For pupils to develop spiritually through understanding, engaging with and responding to the Christian faith.

James Tredgett (London City Mission)

James Tredgett works as a team leader in London City Mission (LCM). He supports the local churches to build long-lasting connections with people from all walks of life. He is married with 3 children who keep him very busy!


“Asha” means hope in Sylheti, and we want to be a community of hope in Jesus the Messiah, for English-speakers, Sylheti-speakers, for all. We meet as church on Sunday afternoons in a London City Mission venue in Limehouse, and use the building for various activities and outreach during the week. We began 3 years ago with a small team of people from the US, local Christians and members of St Helen’s Bishopsgate and currently average 25-30 people each Sunday.