"Perfect" Tagged Sermons

Vision 2015: 1 of 2: Mature in Christ

Colossians 1:28Fast-forward a few years. You’ve achieved all your lifetime goals – career, finance, family. And you’re now sitting in a private nursing home aged 82, and you realise you’d never bothered to ask what God’s goal for your life might be. How would you feel? It’d be rather late to realise you’d neglected what matters most. Don’t leave it til then. In this talk we discover what God’s goal is for your life.

Our Vision 2015: 1 of 2

Colossians 1:28 A partner at a venture capital firm said: If you can’t explain your product in ten words or less, I’m not investing, I’m not not buying, I’m not interested. Period. Well here’s our church vision in just four words! – Everyone mature in Christ. But what does it mean?