Sermons on Christmas


Luke 1:77-79 The prophet Malachi foretold that one day ‘the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings’. At Christmas we celebrate the coming into this dark world of that promised sunrise in Jesus, and we give thanks for the blessings which radiate out in the heavenly sunbeams.

Christmas Carols

Micah 5:3-5 We long to get home for Christmas. But all too often, when we do get there, the experience doesn’t quite live up to expectation. That is because this longing is actually the echo of a deeper spiritual longing – a longing to come home to God. It is a longing which can be fulfilled because of Christmas.

Christmas Carols

Micah 5:1-2 As we look back on a year of international crisis, political instability, economic worries, and climate anxiety, we could all do with a bit of ‘good news of great joy’. Where do we find it? In a surprising place. In the little town of Bethlehem. So said an ancient prophecy from the 8th century BC.

Christmas carols – Light in the darkness

Luke 1:67-79 Christmas is a dark, cold time of year. It’s the time we get out the lights – candles on tables, fairy lights on trees. These lights are a good reminder about the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus came to ‘give light to those who sit in darkness’. But what is this darkness, and what is the light he brings?

Christmas Day

1 John 4:14 The phrase sine qua non is Latin for something which is indispensable. What for you is the sine qua non of Christmas? What is the key ingredient without which Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas for you? This talk explains why Jesus is the sine qua non not just of Christmas but of life itself.