Matthew 9:35-38 What do we need if we are to be committed to the work of the gospel, getting the good news out to others and making disciples? The starting point is compassion. And that begins with seeing people as Jesus saw them.
Matthew 9:35-38 What do we need if we are to be committed to the work of the gospel, getting the good news out to others and making disciples? The starting point is compassion. And that begins with seeing people as Jesus saw them.
Matthew 6:9-13 The Lord’s Prayer is so familiar, but do we use it? Every day? We should do because it puts relationship with our heavenly Father at the heart of each day. It reorientates our lives around his name, his kingdom, and his will. And it meets our biggest needs – for provision, pardon,
Matthew 6:33 How ambitious are you? Is that a good thing? What are you ambitious for? It’s good to be ambitious, as long as it’s for the right things. Otherwise we’ll be devoting our lives to trivial pursuits. In this talk we look at what Jesus says should be our no.1 ambition in life.
Are you ready for Christmas? Only by seeing who Jesus truly is will we ever be ready
What makes us human? Is there more to us than meets the eye? What does our outer surface actually mean? We are exploring these questions with Dr. Monty Lyman at a guest service.
Matt 2:1-12 Listen in to the talk from the Barge Christmas Carol service as we think about why some gifts aren’t as good as they first appear and why God’s gift is the exact opposite.
Matt 2:1-12 Listen in to the talk from the Barge Christmas Carol service as we think about why some gifts aren’t as good as they first appear and why God’s gift is the exact opposite.
Matthew 17:1-13 The banner read: “I love Jesus because I’m Muslim.” Many people agree that Jesus was a great prophet – perhaps the greatest. But was he more than a prophet? The true story of his transfiguration on a mountain contains some of the most explicit teaching about Jesus’ identity and role.
Matthew 6:19-34 God’s Old Testament people wrongly thought they could serve the Lord and the gods of the nations. As Christians in the affluent West there is a real danger of making the same mistake. But Jesus is clear that ‘You cannot serve God and money’. What are the signs that I may be trying to?
Matthew 6:19-34 God’s Old Testament people wrongly thought they could serve the Lord and the gods of the nations. As Christians in the affluent West there is a real danger of making the same mistake. But Jesus is clear that ‘You cannot serve God and money’. What are the signs that I may be trying to?