Sermons by Marcus Nodder (Page 12)

True Discipleship: 5 of 6

1 Kings 20:1-43 What comes to mind when we hear the word ‘God’ really matters. If the God in my mind does not correspond to the God who is actually there, I’m worshipping a false god. It’s worthless idolatry. In this chapter something of what God is like is revealed to us, so that we might know him better.

True Discipleship: 4 OF 6

1 Kings 19:8-21 If you just had 1 Kings 18 you might think the life of faith is to be spent camped out on Mt Carmel waiting for fire to come down from heaven. But these chapters about Elijah are a tale of two mountains. What happens on Mt Horeb, the mount of God, is very different – and very important for us to understand.

True Discipleship: 3 of 6

1 Kings 19:1-8 Normal Christian life and service can be a rollercoaster. It can go from great highs to sudden lows. If we think it’s going to be one unending mountain-top experience, sooner or later we’re going to have a shock. And the danger then is that we become disillusioned and give up. Elijah’s experience helps us to have right expectations.

True Discipleship: 2 of 6

1 Kings 18:41-46 ‘I have a question to offer you. It is contained in three words: do you pray?’ So begins J.C.Ryle’s book ‘A call to prayer’. Our answer to that question is very revealing of where we stand spiritually. The point of this talk is to encourage us in prayer, with Elijah as our teacher.

Prophet, priest, king: 2 of 3 – Jesus the Priest

1 Samuel 2:35 We don’t draw near to God through the cross – an object. We draw near to God through a person – Jesus our Priest, who gave himself as a sacrifice for us on the cross. If we lose sight of this then salvation becomes mechanical, when in fact it’s personal. But the theologian, John Owen, wrote, ‘There is no office of Christ that Satan labours so hard to obscure and overthrow as His priestly one.’ So this talk is designed to combat that.


Romans 5:1-11 In his VE Day 1945 broadcast King George VI spoke about restoring ‘peace and sanity to a shattered world’.Peace is something we value very highly, and peace is what the Christian message is about – ‘good news of peace through Jesus Christ’. In this talk we consider three dimensions of that peace, and how we can enjoy it