Sermons by Marcus Nodder (Page 5)

Barge Vision 2023

Colossians 1:3-14 The Barge’s mission is not just to put on services, but that people might be ‘delivered from death in the domain of darkness for life and growth in kingdom of Christ’. That’s what we’re here for. The point of this talk is to unpack this mission statement so we understand it, are inspired by it, and commit to it.

New Year

Luke 18:9-14 Some years ago I arrived at the airport gate for a long-haul flight only to be turned away and unable to board. Turned out my passport wasn’t valid…The beginning of a new year is a good time to check our spiritual passport and make sure everything is in order. This story Jesus told helps us do that by taking us back to the big issue of how we get right with God.

Christmas Carols

Micah 5:3-5 We long to get home for Christmas. But all too often, when we do get there, the experience doesn’t quite live up to expectation. That is because this longing is actually the echo of a deeper spiritual longing – a longing to come home to God. It is a longing which can be fulfilled because of Christmas.

Christmas Carols

Micah 5:1-2 As we look back on a year of international crisis, political instability, economic worries, and climate anxiety, we could all do with a bit of ‘good news of great joy’. Where do we find it? In a surprising place. In the little town of Bethlehem. So said an ancient prophecy from the 8th century BC.

Job (3): ‘Birthday curses’

Job 2:11-3:26 There is a shallow, superficial type of Christianity which makes out that if we are true believers we should always be smiling, laughing, and overflowing with happiness. This passage says otherwise. A true godly believer may go through times of deep darkness. It’s important we recognize this – so we are prepared, should we experience it ourselves; and so we can help others who are suffering.