John 3:22-36 Life isn’t all about us, it’s about Jesus.
John 3:22-36 Life isn’t all about us, it’s about Jesus.
Romans 1:16-17 Jay Marriner has gone from a life of parties, dealing drugs, and crime, to life as a Christian and starting a new church in Brixton. In this interview and talk Jay shares his story and the message about Jesus through which God turned his life around.
Acts 4:1-22 An interview & talk with Mark Harding. Mark spent many years as a partner in the international law firm, Clifford Chance, and had two stints in-house at banks, first as General Counsel of UBS Investment Bank and, for ten years, as General Counsel of Barclays Bank.
2 Corinthians 9:15 At Christmas time, throughout the world, friends and families give each other gifts. Christmas is a time for giving. But where does the whole Christmas giving tradition come from? ‘Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift’.
Matthew 17:1-13 The banner read: “I love Jesus because I’m Muslim.” Many people agree that Jesus was a great prophet – perhaps the greatest. But was he more than a prophet? The true story of his transfiguration on a mountain contains some of the most explicit teaching about Jesus’ identity and role.
Genesis 3:14-24 ‘Why would a loving God allow so much innocent suffering in his world?’ The question is a common objection by the sceptic, and a challenge for the believer. How would you respond? The first few chapters of the Bible are foundational to understanding the world in which we live. Listen in as we consider what answers Genesis 3 gives.
Genesis 3:14-24 Why does a loving God allow so much innocent suffering? The question is a common objection by the unbeliever, and a challenge for the believer. The answer is found in the foundational first few chapters of the Bible.
Isaiah 63:1-6 Our view of Jesus really matters. Listen in as we ask if what Isaiah sees is the same as what we see.
Gal 4:4-7 ‘Please can I have a present Santa, I’ve been really good this year’- gifts from Santa are more like our wages for our behaviour. That’s how it works with St Nic; is it just the same with God?
Matt 1:18-25 Many today think that believing in the virgin birth is much like believing in Santa’s elves. Listen in to this Christmas carol service talk as we see why we should believe it and why God would bother with a virgin birth in the first place.