Genesis 35:1-15In the end Jacob became the leader of a nation, but it was a long and roundabout road the Lord took him down to get to that point. His experience is recorded for our learning and benefit.
Genesis 35:1-15In the end Jacob became the leader of a nation, but it was a long and roundabout road the Lord took him down to get to that point. His experience is recorded for our learning and benefit.
Genesis 29:15-30 Often life doesn’t turn out as we would expect or like. But we can take heart from the experience of Jacob – the master who ended up serving, the deceiver who ended up being deceived, and the loser who was blessed.
Genesis 28:10-22 God’s M.O is to come to people who have nothing to offer him, and yet to show them grace and radically transform them into the people he has made them to be.
Genesis 25:19-34 We often think God’s plan is use the ‘best and brightest’ but God’s raw material for his people has always been those who by nature are failures. Listen in as Tim Ward teaches on the barge weekend away from the life of Jacob – whom God made the father of the whole people of Israel.