Acts 2:1–13 The Holy Spirit fills the apostles on pentecost, giving them power to proclaim the mighty works of God. But what does this mean for us today? And how does it help the mission of God: that his church be witnesses to the ends of the earth?
Acts 2:1–13 The Holy Spirit fills the apostles on pentecost, giving them power to proclaim the mighty works of God. But what does this mean for us today? And how does it help the mission of God: that his church be witnesses to the ends of the earth?
Acts 1:1-11 The risen and exalted Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will empower his followers to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the good news
1 John If you died tonight, are you sure that you would go to heaven? If so, why? Some are not sure, and shouldn’t be. Some are not sure, and should be. Some are sure, and shouldn’t be. And some are sure and should be. Which are you?!
1 John If you died tonight, are you sure that you would go to heaven? If so, why? Some are not sure if they would get in, and with good reason. Some are not sure, and should be. Some are sure, and shouldn’t be. And some are sure and should be. Which are you?
John 14:25-27 Stress is now the single biggest cause of sickness in the UK. But it’s not just some people who face pressures and worries, we all do at some level. Jesus promises his followers a peace which is unlike anything the world can offer. Listen in as we consider how to experience it.
There’s a huge hunger in our society to have authentic spiritual experience, but there’s little consensus about how we go about it. Will it come about through emptying my mind? Or through connecting with the natural world? Or perhaps through art or through worship music? Hear Jesus’ teaching about how to experience God.