Easter Sunday – how Easter brings us hope

1 Peter 1:3 Many during the pandemic have felt an increasing sense of hopelessness. But even before then there has been a growing crisis of hope in society, with people no longer believing in a better world for their children – because of tribalism and division, climate change, the rise of religious extremism. Where can we find hope? To have hope for the future we need to turn to the past – to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, through which we are born again to a living hope.

Life When You’re Struggling

Interview with Emma Scrivener. Emma was born in Belfast, studied in Oxford, and has written ‘A New Name’ and ‘A New Day’. Books that tell her story of finding grace and healing for her struggle with anorexia, and biblical wisdom for mental health struggles.

Hope in the Face of Suffering

Interview and talk by Jeremy Marshall. Jeremy worked for Credit Suisse for 20 years in senior management, and after that was CEO of C Hoare & Co, Britain’s oldest Bank, until May 2016. Now he has terminal cancer. Join us for this interview and talk as Jeremy speaks about the difference Jesus has made to his life and the difference as he faces death