Origins 5: Marriage

Genesis 2:18-25 What is true of consumer products is true of life – we do well to read the manual. The Bible is our maker’s manual, telling us how life works. One of the many areas of life about which he gives operating instructions is relationships and marriage. This passage is an at-a-glance guide to marriage and how it works.

Where are you?

Luke 15:11-32 There are two ways to reject God – one is to be very bad and break all the rules, and the other is to be very good and think you keep all the rules. In this talk on the ‘Parable of the Prodigal Son’ Rico Tice unpacks how God in his love has come looking for both types of lost people.

5G Work

Various Work takes up a big portion of our lives, but what is the point? Where does regular work fit into God’s purposes? If we were really keen would we all be going into fulltime paid gospel ministry? In this talk we consider the five ‘G’s of a biblical perspective on work!