
Luke 7:36-50人与人若要相处和睦,彼此身份一定要搞清楚。 十九世纪时,李鸿章穿皇马掛去美国拼外交,但卻被美媒误报为皇帝出巡,让他差点惹上杀头之禍! 现今社会,如果我们搞错別人的身份,那我们与那人之间的关系也必尷尬, 不合拍。“你是谁?” 是帮助了解彼此身份最直接的问題。 我们认为耶稣是谁? 同樣的,在耶稣眼裡,我們是谁? 如果我们搞清楚这两个问题的答案, 我们跟耶稣该有怎样的关系? 让我们照着路加福音 7:36-50,一起來问“耶稣是谁” 这个重要的问題。

One Thing in Common – Simon Ward: Fashion Chief

Image and identity Simon Ward has worked in fashion for over 30 years and was COO of the British Fashion Council. At this special event we interview him about life at the heart of the fashion industry and the difference his Christian faith made in his work. He then gives a talk on image and identity, explaining the Christian message.