Remembrance 2015 – Peace on earth

Luke 2:14 At the birth of Jesus, angels appeared to shepherds and declared, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace”. 2000 years and two World Wars later, you can’t help but think, “Those angels sure got that one wrong. Peace on earth? Who were they kidding?” In what sense is the Christian message “good news of peace through Jesus Christ”?

Women’s Evening – Loving one another though none of us is perfect

1 Corinthians 12:31-14:1 What’s your experience of church life? We’re thinking at the moment in the book of Philippians about being united as a church. At the Women’s Evening we’re going to be thinking in particular about how we can be a united, loving, gracious community, even though none of us is perfect. It’s not always easy, but it is Christlike and a key part of living as a Christian – the apostle Paul says, “So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love”!

Remembrance 2015 – Brigadier Matt Maer DSO MBE

Luke 2:14 At the birth of Jesus, angels appeared to shepherds and declared, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace”. 2000 years and two World Wars later, you can’t help but think, “Those angels sure got that one wrong. Peace on earth? Who were they kidding?” In what sense is the Christian message “good news of peace through Jesus Christ”?

Onward Christian Soldier: 4 of 6: Fight the good fight

2 Timothy 4:1-18 Fast-forward in your mind. You’ve just been told you’ve got a few months to live. You’re lying in bed in the hospice. Will you look back with regret, realising you pursued things of no lasting value, or will you look back on a life invested for eternity? Will you look forward with fear, or with just a vague hope of some hereafter, or with certain expectation of an eternal future with God?