Onward Christian Soldier: 4 of 5: Put on your armour

Ephesians 6:10-23 For many Christians spiritual warfare is about the sensational world of deliverance ministries and naming demons and driving them out of believers. But that is not the spiritual warfare we find in the New Testament letters. Instead it’s about putting on the armour God has provided for everyday Christian living. That is how we stand firm against the forces of evil.

Making Partner: 2 of 7: Making Partner without losing it all

Philippians 1:12-26 The motto of the wharf could be summed up in 4 short words- Make Gain. Avoid Loss. But what does it really mean to Gain? How do we define Loss? How can Paul, the Christian leader, believe that he’s gained, even when- facing imprisonment and death- it looks like he’s lost? Listen in as Jesus redefines our understanding of gain.

Making Partner: 1 of 7: Making Partner and knowing what really matters

Philippians 1:1-11 There are so many things competing for our time – career, friends, family, smartphones and hobbies to name but a few. It’s easy to say ‘Don’t let the good be the enemy of the best’ but it’s much harder to do. Where should Jesus fit in our already hectic lives? Is ‘making partner’ with Christ even a good thing, let alone the best thing? Listen in as Paul persuades the Philippian Christians there is no better thing to do with our lives.

Question of Life: 7 of 7: If Christianity is true, why don’t more believe?

John 10:22-30 Christianity has been around for millennia. In this country, there are churches everywhere, the basics are taught in schools, and Christmas has a high profile. Yet, despite all this, committed Christians seem few and far between, including in our workplaces. Surely, if Christianity is true, more would believe? To address this question, we’ll consider what Jesus has to say in John 10.