Isaiah: Vol 10: 2 of 3: The Choice

Isaiah 65 What should I wear today? What should I eat for dinner? Should I look for a new job? Where should we move to? Life is full of choices. But the biggest, most momentous choice we each face is whether to be rebels against God or servants of God. It’s a choice with eternal consequences. God wants us to choose life.

The Real McCoy: 2 of 2: The Message

2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2 Children’s books and TV programs categorize people into goodies and baddies, but as we grow up we discover that the world is more complicated than that. Rather than seeing everything as “black and white” we discover instead “50 shades of grey”. This is why, for many people, they can’t accept the Bible with its simplistic categories of good and evil; heaven and hell; saved and lost. Listen in as we consider this issue together.

Marks of the Spirit-filled church: 3 of 3: God-centered

John 17:1-5 In 2012 plans were announced to start a human colony on mars by 2027. Even though applicants have to pay to apply, and there are no plans for return, there were nearly 3000 applicants in the first year. Human beings seem to seek out opportunities to invest their lives in something significant and glorious. Listen in to discover the great cause which captivated and drove Jesus, and why it’s the one cause really worth living and dying for.

R.S.V.P: 3 OF 3: Depart!

Isaiah 52:1-12Whether it’s with reference to the NHS in Wales or to Europe in the light of the Greek crisis, recent headlines have warned against “sleepwalking into disaster”. But there is a spiritual equivalent. To stop us making the same mistake, God calls us to wake up and to depart. But what does that mean?

R.S.V.P: 2 OF 3: Seek!

Isaiah 55:6-13When you sign up for something online, there are always ‘Terms and conditions’ which apply. But according to research by one investment company, only 7% of Britons actually read them. With God’s offer in the gospel we cannot afford to be so lax. Far too much is at stake.