Vision 2015: 1 of 2: Mature in Christ

Colossians 1:28Fast-forward a few years. You’ve achieved all your lifetime goals – career, finance, family. And you’re now sitting in a private nursing home aged 82, and you realise you’d never bothered to ask what God’s goal for your life might be. How would you feel? It’d be rather late to realise you’d neglected what matters most. Don’t leave it til then. In this talk we discover what God’s goal is for your life.

The Scandal of the Cross: 1 of 2: “Why is Christianity so narrow?”

Mark 14:22-42 A clergyman in Waterloo recently hit the headlines for allowing a Muslim prayer service in his church, sparking a debate about whether Christians and muslims do in fact worship the same God. A recent survey of Anglican clergy in the UK revealed that only 28% would now say that “Christianity is the only path to God”. So is it narrow and divisive for Christians to insist that Jesus is the only way? Listen in as we consider this question.

Prophecy for Dummies: 1 of 3: The Ultimate Servant

Isaiah 42:1-12 Is Jesus really the Christ, the Son of God, come into the world to rescue us? What’s the evidence? At Easter time we rightly focus on his resurrection as proof, but one compelling strand of evidence we sometimes overlook is the Old Testament prophecies about the one God would send. In this ‘Prophecy for Dummies’ series we look at three of them in the book of Isaiah.