Daniel 2:1-28a A lot of energy is poured into predicting the future, not just in the astrology industry, but in insurance, in meteorology, and in finance. And it’s also true…
Isaiah 50:4-11 The question “Are you a Christian?” is not a terribly helpful one nowadays. According to the 2011 UK census, 59% of the population would say they are, but what they mean by that varies hugely. A more helpful, and more biblical, question is “Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ?”
Isaiah 49:1-16 ”How do I do broomstick crochet?” is a question of interest to no-one but a few specialists. “How can I get more joy in my life?” is a question of interest to all of us. The answer is revealed in Isaiah 49. It tells us how every day can be a party day!
Mark 3:1-6 Richard Dawkins was once asked, “If you died and arrived at the gates of Heaven, what would you say to God to justify your lifelong atheism?” To which…
Romans 6v20-23 “The late Christopher Hitchens said he didn’t want there to be a God, because he didn’t want to be “under the permanent control and supervision of an unalterable celestial dictator”. Like him many people resent any idea of being under God’s authority. But is the alternative really the freedom people think it is?”
Luke 15:11-32 Do you want to spoil my fun?
John 8v12 Why are we afraid of the dark? Why is darkness associated with evil? Black magic. The dark side which seduced Darth Vader. Horror films set in the dark. The dark is spooky. And in the darkness our imaginations go into overdrive. The Bible says that spiritual darkness is for real and affects us all. We need light – but we need to choose carefully which light we follow.
Various On the tombstone of one Yorkshire vicar it said, “He feared man so little, because he feared God so much”. Once we fear God, we have nothing left to…
Various God was one, and because of sin we were torn apart. But then God was torn apart, so that we could be one.
Various Shame makes us feel that if others only knew what we were like they would never speak to us again. But the gospel is the clothes we need to cover our nakedness. Shame does not need to be the last word in our hearts.