A Sting in the Tale: 1 of 3: The Good Samaritan

A lawyer asks Jesus “what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” This is one of the most fundamental questions that everybody at some point asks, about what will happen when we die – we might phrase this question today something like “How can I be sure I’ll be saved in the end?” If we profess to be God’s people, then this will show in how we live our lives – not only in how we love God, but also in how we love others. Jesus challenges us not to think about who we are to love, but to be loving…

Loved by a sinner: The Sinful Woman?

Luke 7:36-50 What does a Christian look like? Often we make assumptions about what Christians looks like – but the story of the sinful woman overturns those assumptions and cause us to look at ourselves afresh. It shows that our assumptions about what a Christian looks like depends on what Jesus himself is like.

Deep Hunger: 1 of 2: …our longing for rest

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. If you want something badly enough, and if you work at it hard enough, you can accomplish anything.” This “you can do it” mentality sounds exciting, but what about when the reality check hits us? What about when we can’t live the life we wanted to? And when we can’t keep the plates spinning? And when we can’t keep meeting people’s expectations anymore? What then?