variousWhat is baptism with the Spirit? Is it a second experience we should seek, or something that has already happened? And what is being filled with the Spirit? And how do the two relate together?
variousWhat is baptism with the Spirit? Is it a second experience we should seek, or something that has already happened? And what is being filled with the Spirit? And how do the two relate together?
Acts 2:42 Devocean is a conservation group for those devoted to cleaning up our oceans. Devoted to Dachsunds is a shop for those who are mad about sausage dogs. The early Christians were devoted to church. Why should we be? And how can we become more like them?
Acts 16:30-31 A few years back the BBC did a piece on the 101 greatest questions of all time. What’s interesting about the Bible though is that it doesn’t just answer the questions we’ve got – it gets us to ask ones of we may not even have thought. In this talk we look at life’s biggest question of all.
Acts 28:30-31 Many consider Christian beliefs to be not simply “out of touch” but even dangerous. It’s therefore a good thing that whatever impact Christianity has had on our culture historically is now receding. Listen in to find out what Jesus is doing in the world today and how we can be sure it’s neither outdated nor irrelevant.
Acts 14:8-19 Why I can’t believe 2 of 2: Aren’t all religions basically the same?
Acts 17:16-34 The French philosopher Albert Camus wrote, “There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy”. Is it? If so, why?
Acts 17:22-31
Acts 14:8-18; Romans 1:18-23
Acts 17:24-31