Light & Love

Light & love (5)

1 John 2:28-3:10 If you’re a Christian, does it matter how you live? If we’re saved by grace, not by our works, does that mean we can just live as we want? Do we have diplomatic immunity when it comes to sin and prosecution? This passage makes very clear that isn’t the case. If we don’t practice righteousness, we’re not part of God’s family.

Light & love (4)

1 John 2:15-27 All of us are concerned about threats to our physical health and life, but what about threats to our spiritual health and life? Is that as big a concern? It should be, given the consequences are eternal. In this passage we are warned about two particular threats which plagued the first century churches and are just as real and deadly today.

Light & love (2)

1 John 1:5-2:2 Can we know for sure now that we’ve got a place in heaven? Or do we need to wait until we die, and appear at the final judgement? The apostle John tells us we can be sure now. God is light. If we’re walking in the light, we have fellowship with him. But what does it mean to walk in the light?

Light & love (1)

1 John 1:1-4 Loads of people claim to be Christian. In the UK almost half the population ticked that box in the last census – but are they really all Christians? What is a true Christian? That is what the letter of 1 John tells, so we can be sure whether or not we are the genuine article, or just wearing a fake label.