
Noah: 2 of 2: The end of the world is just the beginning…

Genesis 8:20-9:17 Is God fundamentally for this world or against it? We tend to assume that God is a detached, benign, old grandfather who will let the world just tick on indefinitely. But how can we be so sure? And don’t biblical stories like Noah’s flood indicate that this world is not as safe a place as we like to think? These are the questions we’ll be considering today as we conclude our series on Noah.

Noah: 1 of 2: The end of the world is just the beginning…

Genesis 6:5-8 The recent Noah blockbuster captures something of the horror of this ancient story: a divine judgement wiping out nearly everyone and everything on the planet. One commentator asked the question: “what kind of a god feels he has to destroy everyone just because he’s unhappy with the choices we make?” In fact this kind of portrait of God is why a lot of people cannot bring themselves to believe in the God of the Bible. Come and join us as we consider this question, and as we consider how this ancient text speaks to us today.