Ezekiel 37:1–14 Proclaim the life-giving word of God, praying that his Spirit would bring spiritual dry bones to life.
Ezekiel 37:1–14 Proclaim the life-giving word of God, praying that his Spirit would bring spiritual dry bones to life.
Ezekiel 36:1–38 God will act for the sake of his holy name, we are to be thankful for this and live in light of the new heart he has given us.
Ezekiel 34:1–31 God shows that he is the good shepherd, contrasting with the bad shepherds, and predicting the Lord Jesus being our shepherd. We see we are to be good sheep following the good shepherd.
Ezekiel 26:1–28:19 This lament against the nation, prince, and King of Tyre shows how seriously God takes pride. We should humble ourselves before God and pursue humility.
Easter Sunday all-age service
Ezekiel 21:1–23 Babylon is God’s sword with which he will exact his justice upon Jerusalem. We can trust that he is in control and is just because the sword of ultimate justice fell on JEsus, and he will one day return to wield the sword of judgement.
Ezekiel 16:1–63 The people of God have their sinful history described using the metaphor of adultery. Our aim is to not forget the God who makes atonement.
Our world has a lot to say about living a fulfilled life, but in Jesus we find true freedom, hope, and authenticity.
Ezekiel 10:1–22 Ezekiel is given a vision of Gods glory leaving the temple, it is a small picture of a greater reality of judgment, the question remains — Will God ever have mercy?
Ezekiel 8:1–18 Ezekiel is given a guided tour of the idolatry taking place in God’s temple. We must see that it leads to corrupt living, it deserves judgment, and we must flee.