Sermons by Marcus Nodder (Page 18)

East of Eden: The Flood (Lunchtime)

Genesis 6-9In 2004 the Indian Ocean Tsunami left 200,000 people dead. There were numerous reports written in the years that followed, seeking to draw lessons learned from that disaster. The wise learn from history. And if we are wise we will do the same as we reflect on the mother of all so-called ‘natural disasters’ – the Flood that destroyed the ancient world in the days of Noah.

East of Eden: The chosen (Lunchtime)

Genesis 4:25-5:32 The notion that there is a chosen race has been highly controversial and divisive throughout history – different groups have championed whites, or blacks, or Aryans, or Jews…The Bible is unusual in that it affirms there is a chosen race, but all are invited to become part of it! Listen in as we look at Genesis 5 as part of our ‘East of Eden’ series.

East of Eden: The Murder

Genesis 4:1-24 “It is the best-known story in the world, because it is everybody’s story. It is the symbol story of the human soul. The story of mankind”. So claims one of the characters in John Steinbeck’s epic novel ‘East of Eden’ about the biblical account of Cain and Abel. It holds up a mirror to ourselves and the world in which we now live.

East of Eden: The Murder (Lunchtime)

Genesis 4:1-24 “It is the best-known story in the world, because it is everybody’s story. It is the symbol story of the human soul. The story of mankind”. So claims one of the characters in John Steinbeck’s epic novel ‘East of Eden’ about the biblical account of Cain and Abel. It holds up a mirror to ourselves and the world in which we now live.

East of Eden : The Curse (Lunchtime)

Genesis 3:14-24 ‘Why would a loving God allow so much innocent suffering in his world?’ The question is a common objection by the sceptic, and a challenge for the believer. How would you respond? The first few chapters of the Bible are foundational to understanding the world in which we live. Listen in as we consider what answers Genesis 3 gives.

Origins 5: Marriage

Genesis 2:18-25 What is true of consumer products is true of life – we do well to read the manual. The Bible is our maker’s manual, telling us how life works. One of the many areas of life about which he gives operating instructions is relationships and marriage. This passage is an at-a-glance guide to marriage and how it works.

5G Work

Various Work takes up a big portion of our lives, but what is the point? Where does regular work fit into God’s purposes? If we were really keen would we all be going into fulltime paid gospel ministry? In this talk we consider the five ‘G’s of a biblical perspective on work!