various Many see Christianity as the enemy of freedom, because it insists there is right and wrong belief and behaviour. By contrast Jesus says that he has come to set us free. But in what way is the Christian life one of freedom?
various Many see Christianity as the enemy of freedom, because it insists there is right and wrong belief and behaviour. By contrast Jesus says that he has come to set us free. But in what way is the Christian life one of freedom?
VariousYou can’t make sense of a spoon with a hole in the middle, unless you understand what it’s for – for olives. And so with sex. What is the point of sex? And what happens when we ignore the Maker’s instructions?
VariousMoney is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. What is a good gift from God can easily become a god that destroys us. Which is it in our lives? How do we know? And how do we change?
Romans 8:1-27As Christians we struggle with sin and with suffering. But God has not left us to fend for ourselves. Through the gift of his Spirit we have help in the present and hope for the future.
variousWhat is baptism with the Spirit? Is it a second experience we should seek, or something that has already happened? And what is being filled with the Spirit? And how do the two relate together?
variousSometimes people look back nostalgically to ‘the good old days’ – but as God’s people we have never had it so good as we do today. And it’s all to do with gift of the Spirit. But what exactly did the Old Testament promise about the Spirit that we now enjoy?
variousSometimes there is an unhelpful stereotype which divides Christians into those who are into the Word and those who are into the Spirit. What is the relationship between Word and Spirit? And how do we hear the voice of God today?
1 Corinthians 12-13Being a football supporter and a church member may on the surface seem pretty similar. You have a common interest, you pay some money to go and watch once a week, you stand and sing, and some people get very passionate about it. But church members are more than supporters. They are part of the body of Christ.
variousThe path of the Christian life of freedom runs between the two ditches of legalism and licence. Only the Holy Spirit can keep us on track, as we are led by the Spirit and walk by the Spirit. But what does that mean, and how do we do it?
John 1:1-18Whoever looked at Christmas lunch and said, “I know what this meal needs – a bad joke, a paper hat, and some nail clippers!” But the contents of the traditional Christmas cracker actually take us to the very heart of the Christmas message.