Genesis 8:20-9:17 Is God fundamentally for this world or against it? We tend to assume that God is a detached, benign, old grandfather who will let the world just tick…
Genesis 8:20-9:17 Is God fundamentally for this world or against it? We tend to assume that God is a detached, benign, old grandfather who will let the world just tick…
Genesis 6:5-8 The recent Noah blockbuster captures something of the horror of this ancient story: a divine judgement wiping out nearly everyone and everything on the planet. One commentator asked…
Genesis 6:5-8 The recent Noah blockbuster captures something of the horror of this ancient story: a divine judgement wiping out nearly everyone and everything on the planet. One commentator asked the question: “what kind of a god feels he has to destroy everyone just because he’s unhappy with the choices we make?” In fact this kind of portrait of God is why a lot of people cannot bring themselves to believe in the God of the Bible. Come and join us as we consider this question, and as we consider how this ancient text speaks to us today.
Isaiah 38-39 Ever felt disillusioned? Perhaps with someone you know personally; or with a public figure; or with humanity; or with life; or with yourself? It’s a common enough experience. What is the solution? And what’s it got to do with a king of Judah in the 8th century BC?
Isaiah 34:1-10; Isaiah 35 How does God encourage the spiritually weary to press on, the drowsy to wake up, and the rebellious to turn back? By showing us what he can see but we can’t from our present position – what lies round the corner in eternity.
Acts 17:16-34 The French philosopher Albert Camus wrote, “There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy”. Is it? If so, why?
Obadiah 10-16 Some offences can be overlooked, but what about when what’s happened is so horrific that it’s just not that simple? Doesn’t justice demand that something should be done? What do we do when it’s too serious to just “forgive and forget”?
Obadiah 1-9 CS Lewis wrote: “There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which everyone in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else, and of which hardly any people ever imagine that they are guilty themselves. The vice I am talking of is Pride.” How do we identify and deal with it before it’s too late?