Ezekiel 10:1–22 Ezekiel is given a vision of Gods glory leaving the temple, it is a small picture of a greater reality of judgment, the question remains — Will God ever have mercy?
Ezekiel 10:1–22 Ezekiel is given a vision of Gods glory leaving the temple, it is a small picture of a greater reality of judgment, the question remains — Will God ever have mercy?
James 2:1-13 Racism is on the rise in the world, but it has no place in the church – nor has any type of partiality. A mark of genuine faith is that we show love and mercy to all, regardless of skin colour, race, ethnicity, sex, age, class, accent, special needs. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
Jonah 3:10-4:1-11 Hypocrisy looks pathetic – when our boss, our colleague, our friend acts like there’s one rule for them and another rule for everybody else. Religious hypocrisy can be especially hard to stomach. Listen in as we see that God hates hypocrisy even more than we do.
Jonah 3v1-10 Peter Schiff, CEO at Euro Pacific Capital, famously warned markets in 2006 about an approaching Global Financial Crisis. Those who heeded him protected themselves against great loss. Listen in as this passage explores the humility and attentiveness required to heed another warning to the market.
Jonah 2 Sometimes people are just out of their depth. We can see it in business, in politics, in sport and in life. How should such people respond? How should we respond if we feel it ourselves?
Jonah 4:1-11 Hypocrisy really gets to us; and religious hypocrisy can be the worst of all. Listen in to Jonah 4 as God challenges someone very happy with God’s mercy to him, but very unhappy with God giving mercy to others.
Jonah 3v1-10 Sometimes we’re given warnings that are overblown and over-cautious (think: ‘caution, may contain nuts’). But some warnings need us to sit up and take note. Listen in to this warning from Jonah – to Nineveh, and ultimately to us.
Jonah 2:1-10 Jonah Chapter 2 find Jonah singing for joy in the belly of a fish, yet his joy at undeserved mercy is much more contemporary than it first appears and comes with a twist in the tale. Listen in as we look at Jonah 2.
Jonah 1:1-17 Many today believe God to be an unattractive irrelevance. Listen in as Jonah 1 shows us God as irresistibly powerful and irresistibly wonderful.
Luke 18:26-43 If Jesus gives you a blank cheque, what would you ask for? More importantly, is there something Jesus really wants us to have but we are too blind to see it? Listen in and find out what is this thing that Jesus really wants us to see.