variousWhat is baptism with the Spirit? Is it a second experience we should seek, or something that has already happened? And what is being filled with the Spirit? And how do the two relate together?
variousWhat is baptism with the Spirit? Is it a second experience we should seek, or something that has already happened? And what is being filled with the Spirit? And how do the two relate together?
variousSometimes there is an unhelpful stereotype which divides Christians into those who are into the Word and those who are into the Spirit. What is the relationship between Word and Spirit? And how do we hear the voice of God today?
John 3:1-16 If you’ve got computer problems, the tried-and-tested trick is to reboot. Turn it off, turn it back on again, and you restart with a clean slate. If only we could reboot our lives. Jesus says we can. God can give us the ultimate reboot by his Spirit through his Son.
John 3:1-16If you’ve got computer problems, the tried-and-tested trick is to reboot. Turn it off, turn it back on again, and you restart with a clean slate. If only we could reboot our lives. Jesus says we can. God can give us the ultimate reboot by his Spirit through his Son.
Exodus 25-31, 35-40What is the point of life? Some say there is no point, no design, no purpose. Others say there’s just the meaning we give to life. Others still say there is an ultimate purpose. But where do we find it? In an unlikely place. In a tent in the desert in the Middle East in 1500BC.
Exodus 20:22-23:33 ’What has happened to all your joy?’ The Galatian believers to whom Paul wrote those words had a wrong understanding of the Law. It had robbed them of their joy and ran the risk of robbing them of their salvation. What is the relationship of the Christian to the Law? It’s vital we get this right.
Are you feeling discouraged at the moment? Perhaps weighed down by past failures, or struggling with present difficulties, or worried about future uncertainties. Imagine getting home and finding on your answer-machine or voicemail a personal message of encouragement from God himself to you. That is what we have in this passage!