Acts 1:1-11 The risen and exalted Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will empower his followers to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the good news
Acts 1:1-11 The risen and exalted Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will empower his followers to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the good news
John 16:5-15 The film Groundhog Day depicted someone being trapped in a time loop. And one reason the film was so popular is that it resonated with so many people’s experience. Each day follows the last, but what’s the point? We’re just trapped in this endless cycle, having to create our own sense of meaning and purpose. The film taps into a longing we have to be caught up in a grand and glorious story which is actually heading somewhere. Join us as we hear Jesus’ teaching about where history’s heading, and how we can live purposeful lives.
John 16:5-15 The film Groundhog Day depicts someone who is trapped in a time loop. One reason the film is so popular is that it resonates with so many people’s experience. Each day follows the last, but what’s the point? We’re just trapped in this endless cycle, having to create our own sense of meaning and purpose. The film taps into a longing we have to be caught up in a grand and glorious story which is actually heading somewhere. Listen in as we consider Jesus’ teaching about where history’s heading, and how we can live purposeful lives.
There’s a huge hunger in our society to have authentic spiritual experience, but there’s little consensus about how we go about it. Will it come about through emptying my mind? Or through connecting with the natural world? Or perhaps through art or through worship music? Hear Jesus’ teaching about how to experience God.