John 15:1-17We only live once – YOLO as the slogan goes. This isn’t a dry-run. This is it. And so we all want to make the most of it. But how do we do that? How do we make our lives count for something? What is a successful life? Jesus tells us as he teaches about himself being the true vine.
2 Timothy 3:10-4:8The world has a Saviour, but it needs proclaimers who will tell them what the Word says.
2 Timothy 2:20-3:9There is honourable ministry and dishonourable ministry. It’s important to know the difference, so that we might be useful to the Master.
2 Timothy 2:1-19God calls us to guard the gospel by passing it on to others. And that means that the training agenda needs to be the agenda of the local church.
2 Timothy 1:3-18This letter of 2 Timothy is all about two gospels, two loves, and two models of ministry.
John 14:6 For many people their biggest problem with Christianity can be summed up in one word: ‘exclusivity’ – the claim that Jesus is the only way to God. How could he make such a claim? Was he right? And how can anyone believe that in our multi-religious society?
Jonah 2:1-10 Jonah Chapter 2 find Jonah singing for joy in the belly of a fish, yet his joy at undeserved mercy is much more contemporary than it first appears and comes with a twist in the tale. Listen in as we look at Jonah 2.
John 10:7-10Some people accuse Christianity of being restrictive. With its demands about what you must believe and how you must behave, they see it as taking away your freedom. But Jesus sees following him as the way to true freedom. He is the door – to salvation and to abundant life.
Jonah 1:1-17 Many today believe God to be an unattractive irrelevance. Listen in as Jonah 1 shows us God as irresistibly powerful and irresistibly wonderful.
Romans 3:23;6:23 Jay Marriner has gone from a life of parties, drug-dealing, and crime, to a life as a Christian and now as the pastor of a new church in Brixton. In this talk he shares his story of how this transformation came about.