Acts 6:8–8:3 A wrong understanding can make us look like fools, and this is the case with the bible too. Stephen shows that we need to rightly understand how God works in his people, through his word.
Acts 6:1–7 Practical service happens in order for the church to do good things, while ensuring that the best thing – the word of God increasing – can still happen.
Acts 5:17–42 God is at work in the gospel, so don’t be discouraged, he cannot be stopped!
Malachi 3:13-4:6 Why bother being a Christian? What’s in it for us? How do we benefit? Plenty of people who are not Christian seem to have a pretty good time and are happy, and in some ways their lives may actually be better than ours. So why bother? God tells us why in this final section of Malachi.
Malachi 3:6-12 Theft is a big problem in society, and we hate it. We hate having our stuff stolen. But could it be that we ourselves are thieves? Are we actually robbing God, without being aware of it? The people were in Malachi’s day. Perhaps we are too.
Malachi 2:17-3:5 There’s so much evil in the world; so many who seem to get away with it – why doesn’t God do something? Where is the God of justice? Answer: he’s coming. But who can endure it when he does?
Romans 8:28-39 Who knows what the year ahead holds – in the world, in our personal lives, in the lives of our loved ones. As we begin a new year we may find ourselves longing for some certainty and stability – and that is exactly what we find in this passage. It is a celebration of certainty.
Isaiah 9:2–7 We need to recognise that Jesus is the ultimate Joy TO the world.
John 3:16 Could you imagine Christmas without presents? Never! Christmas is all about giving and receiving. This idea actually goes right back to the very first Christmas, which celebrated the greatest gift ever.
John 1:1–18 Evangelistic sermon focusing on 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Showing God came to be human, to be known, and to save.