Luke 14:15-24 Supposing there is a God, and supposing there is an after-life, and supposing God is going to divide the world into those who get to be with God…
John 14:8-14 Even if we haven’t ever spoken the words “I wish I had your faith”, we have probably at least thought them. Perhaps we know a keen Christian who has a peace, a boldness, and a freedom which we find very attractive. But how do we grow in this spiritual certainty?
Genesis 41 For many people the question of how a loving God can permit suffering is not a cold philosophical issue but a deeply personal one. Where is God in…
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. If you want something badly enough, and if you work at it hard enough, you can accomplish anything.” This “you can do it” mentality sounds exciting, but what about when the reality check hits us? What about when we can’t live the life we wanted to? And when we can’t keep the plates spinning? And when we can’t keep meeting people’s expectations anymore? What then?
Genesis 40 Nietzsche wrote: “What really raises one’s indignation against suffering is not suffering intrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering.” It’s been said that human beings can endure anything, except…
Should politicians “do God”? David Burrowes was elected MP for Enfield-Southgate in 2005, with the largest swing of any seat in the country. He was appointed to the front bench…
If there were a customer service department in heaven, the phones would often be ringing, and many of the calls would be from God’s people. “Why do you seem so distant? Why has this happened to me? Why have you forgotten me?” This passage is the heavenly response to such complaints.
Genesis 8:20-9:17 Is God fundamentally for this world or against it? We tend to assume that God is a detached, benign, old grandfather who will let the world just tick…
One discussion forum post declared, “My week sucked, my day sucked, and I’m sick of hearing depressing stuff on the news. So let’s have a thread of happy news”. What good news would you have posted in response? What comfort does the Bible give?
Genesis 6:5-8 The recent Noah blockbuster captures something of the horror of this ancient story: a divine judgement wiping out nearly everyone and everything on the planet. One commentator asked…