Isaiah 6:1-8 The horror film The Fly introduced into popular culture the line ‘Be afraid. Be very afraid’. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of God? Do you fear him? Is that a right response to God? If so why? And what happens if we don’t?
Isaiah 6:1-8 The horror film The Fly introduced into popular culture the line ‘Be afraid. Be very afraid’. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of God? Do you fear him? Is that a right response to God? If so why? And what happens if we don’t?
John 12:36-50 Despite the census results, the experience of many believers on the ground is that Jesus’ teaching is often ignored or rejected. Why is Jesus rejected? And does the rejection of Jesus undermine his claims?
Isaiah 5:1-30 Some see God as a doddery, toothless, old grandfather figure who is kind and well-meaning but harmless. The picture we get in the Bible of the God who is actually there is quite different. He’s no joke. He’s dangerous and we mess with him at our peril. And so if we are wise, we will get serious about God. This series of talks from Isaiah is a chance to do just that.
John 3:1-21 Listen to guest speaker David Cook speak on ‘A Passion for Life – Become the person you were meant to be.’