Titus 1:1–4 Paul wants the essentials, the foundations, to sink in and be firmed up, which means not departing from his teaching, but instead clinging to the true Gospel, and for this to produce changed lives.
Titus 1:1–4 Paul wants the essentials, the foundations, to sink in and be firmed up, which means not departing from his teaching, but instead clinging to the true Gospel, and for this to produce changed lives.
1 Kings 21:1-29 ‘Naboth’s Vineyard’ is not a great chapter heading. But this chapter is not actually about vineyards. It’s about injustice. It’s as up-to-date and relevant as George Floyd and Jeffrey Epstein and Asia Bibi, and the lives of millions in our world today.
1 Kings 20:1-43 What comes to mind when we hear the word ‘God’ really matters. If the God in my mind does not correspond to the God who is actually there, I’m worshipping a false god. It’s worthless idolatry. In this chapter something of what God is like is revealed to us, so that we might know him better.
So far it’s been a pretty crazy year, with so much bad stuff happening – and we’re only just in July! Why does God allow it? If he’s loving and all-powerful, why doesn’t he do something to stop all the suffering? Where is God in a messed-up world?