Acts 15:1–16:6 What should we do when Christians disagree? Particularly about something as important as ‘what must we do to be saved?’ The Jerusalem council was all about that important topic, and helps us navigate today’s disagreements as well.
Acts 15:1–16:6 What should we do when Christians disagree? Particularly about something as important as ‘what must we do to be saved?’ The Jerusalem council was all about that important topic, and helps us navigate today’s disagreements as well.
Acts 14:1–28 When the door of faith is opened, what changes? Superstitions and idols are brought down, the gospel is preached despite opposition, and the souls of God’s people are strengthened.
Acts 13:44–14:7 How can Christians cope in opposition? It’s only by the theological conviction that leads to proclamation.
Acts 13:13–43 What makes Jesus worth following? He is the best saviour we could possibly have!
Acts 12:25 – 13:12Paul and Barnabas are sent to proclaim the word of God, and that word is better than syncretism.
Acts 12:1-25 The world opposes the God who rescues, judges, and whose word cannot be stopped.
Acts 11:19–30 The Lord will build his church through the preaching and teaching of Christians, and the church is to be outward looking.
Acts 11:1–18 Gentiles are now included in trues Christianity! They possess the ‘hallmarks of a true Christian’. Do we?
Acts 10:1–48 How do you know that the church is for you? How can we be sure that God accepts us? Today we look at how the world turned upside down in Caesarea.
Acts 9:20–31 Saul’s new obedience, even in the face of suffering, can only come from one thing: the truth of the risen Jesus.