Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

One thing in common: Bank CEO (Sunday)

Luke 24:13-36 Jeremy Marshall worked for Credit Suisse for 20 years in senior management, and after that was CEO of C Hoare & Co, Britain’s oldest Bank, until May 2016. Now he has terminal cancer. In this interview and talk, Jeremy speaks about the difference Jesus has made to his life and the difference as he faces death.

Challenge Accepted: Hate hypocrisy

Luke 11:37-12:3 We hate hypocrisy- auditors who can’t audit themselves, bosses who want us to ‘do as they say, not do as they do’, church leaders who aren’t very Christian. The good news is Jesus hates it even more. Listen in as we see how Jesus exposes hypocrisy, condemns hypocrisy and can save us from hypocrisy.

Challenge Accepted: Don’t be owned by money

Luke 12:13-34 As Lloyds Bank note in their current The M Word campaign: ‘Conversations about money can be difficult… but sometimes those conversations are the most important ones to have’. Jesus spoke a lot about the topic of money that we often avoid. This week we’re looking at one of his eleven parables on money – that focuses on our desire for wealth and ultimate security. Listen in to consider The M Word from a Christian perspective.

Where are you?

Luke 15:11-32 There are two ways to reject God – one is to be very bad and break all the rules, and the other is to be very good and think you keep all the rules. In this talk on the ‘Parable of the Prodigal Son’ Rico Tice unpacks how God in his love has come looking for both types of lost people.