Sermons on Matthew


Matthew 6:25-34 Have you felt anxious in the past two weeks? If so, you are not alone. Nearly 75% of the population say they have. Anxiety is pandemic. What is the antidote? That is what Jesus teaches his disciples in this next part of the Sermon on the Mount.


Matthew 6:19-24 Would you say you are materialistic? The society in which we live is preoccupied with money and stuff – getting more money, having the latest version of everything, pursuing a higher standard of living, being more comfortable. Materialism is the majority religion. But it cannot be ours, if we are disciples of Jesus.


Matthew 5:17-48 What does walking with God actually look like? Some give the impression that obeying God’s Law is just Old Testament religion, and that the life of discipleship today is very different. But Jesus doesn’t see it that way. Obedience still matters.


Matthew 5:1-16 All of us want to make our short lives count. We don’t want to just fill in time on the planet. We want to make an impact, leave a legacy, make a difference. But how? In this passage Jesus tells us how to make the biggest impact – an eternal one.


Matthew 4:12-25 In the selfie, self-obsessed culture in which we live, the danger is that the Christian message gets distorted and becomes all about me. But Jesus’ message was about the kingdom of heaven, and ours should be too. This coming reality should shape everything.


Matthew 4:1-11 When were you last tempted? How did it go? Did you give in, or did you stand firm? All of us struggle with temptation, and if we’re looking for help, this passage is an obvious place to go. And we’ll look at that, but ‘tips for facing temptation’ is not the main point. To find out what is, have a listen!


Matthew 3:1-17 Some people think that our world has no future. If they’re right, then nothing we do ultimately matters. But John the Baptist said that the future is the kingdom of heaven, and so what we do now matters hugely. We need to repent and come to Jesus.


Matthew 2:13-23 Fleeing to Egypt; narrowly escaping being killed in Bethlehem; returning to live in obscure Nazareth – it’s not an impressive start in life. But this was God’s plan for his Messiah. This is how God worked then, and still works today.