Sermons by Marcus Nodder (Page 36)

Freedom: 3 of 3: Set free from death

Revelation 1:17-18 The other day I found myself staring at a gravestone inscribed with the words, ‘In loving memory. Taken from us on Friday 7th July 2045’. According to the calculations of the online Death Clock, I have just 11,077 days left. The headstone was mine. Sooner or later that day will indeed come. What hope is there?

Freedom:‭ ‬1‭ ‬of‭ ‬3:‭ ‬Set free from sin‭

Revelation‭ ‬1:5-6‭ In his‭ ‬1941‭ ‬State of the Union address President Roosevelt famously proposed‭ ‬4‭ ‬fundamental freedoms that people everywhere in the world ought to enjoy:‭ ‬freedom of speech,‭ ‬of worship,‭ ‬from want,‭ ‬from fear.‭ ‬Freedom matters to us as people.‭ ‬But does it matter to God‭? ‬And if so,‭ ‬what is he doing about it‭?

Our Vision 2015: 1 of 2

Colossians 1:28 A partner at a venture capital firm said: If you can’t explain your product in ten words or less, I’m not investing, I’m not not buying, I’m not interested. Period. Well here’s our church vision in just four words! – Everyone mature in Christ. But what does it mean?