Romans An introduction to the book of Romans, recorded at our 2018 Wednesday night Growth Groups
Romans An introduction to the book of Romans, recorded at our 2018 Wednesday night Growth Groups
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Community is a buzz-word for our society, and yet our communities seem to be increasingly fragmented – in politics, on social media, through inequality. How can a community grow in love, truth, forgiveness and hope? Listen in as we hear Paul’s answer to the Thessalonians.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Grief is an all too real emotion and yet society would rather just ignore the topic. Listen in as Paul unpacks how the return of Jesus teaches us to grieve, but not as those who have no hope.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 Many take issue with the Bible’s sexual morality – either ignoring it completely or picking and choosing the bits they like. But increasingly people realise society’s sexual morality don’t live up to its billing. Listen in as Paul gives compelling reasons to trust God’s words.
Luke 9:37-50 Everyone’s trying to make a success of their lives, whether through their career, their relationships, their family, their reputation. William Carey said: ‘It’s not failure I fear, but succeeding at things that don’t really matter’. Listen in as Jesus talks about true success and why it can often feel like failure.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Community is a buzz word for our society, and yet our communities seem to be increasingly fragmented – in politics, on social media, through inequality. How can a community grow in love, truth, forgiveness and hope? Listen in as we hear Paul’s answer to the Thessalonians.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Grief is an all too real emotion and yet society would rather just ignore the topic. Listen in as Paul unpacks how the return of Jesus teaches us to grieve, but not as those who have no hope.
Luke 9:21-36 People make big sacrifices all the time – sacrificing for careers, families and hobbies. Every choice is a sacrifice – every hour spent on x, sacrifices an hour on y. The question is – did we sacrifice for the right thing? Listen in to Jesus’ claim he is the one most worth sacrificing for.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Many in society take issue with the Bible’s sexual morality – either ignoring it completely or picking and choosing the bits they like. But many find society’s sexual morality don’t live up to its billing. Listen in as Paul gives compelling reasons to trust God’s words.
Luke 9:1-20 Sometimes what we think will fill us, leaves us empty – work, relationships, family, hedonism, religiosity. What should we do when we’re not sure we’ve got the answers ourselves, let alone the answers to give others? Listen in as Jesus shows us how he can fill us and others.