Psalm 6The Sunday School song goes “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. But what if you’re not happy, and you know it? Then what? That is when we need the psalms of lament.
Psalm 3Ever get that Monday morning feeling? Your mind filled with worries and fears about the week ahead such that you’d rather stay in bed? Join the club. It’s a club that is at least 3000 years old. The writer of this psalm has been there and found a route out of the depths. In this psalm he has signposted the route for us.
Psalm 6The Sunday School song goes “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. But what if you’re not happy, and you know it? Then what? That is when we need the psalms of lament.
Psalm 3We all know that Monday morning feeling – the worries, the fears, the pressures. The writer of this psalm could relate. And can help us. But first we need to see that this psalm in the first place is not just about me and my problems. It’s about the Christ.