What is life? Listen in as Glen Scrivener speaks at the FCA and asks how we’re supposed to respond to life’s ups and downs and the God Christianity claims stands behind it.
What is life? Listen in as Glen Scrivener speaks at the FCA and asks how we’re supposed to respond to life’s ups and downs and the God Christianity claims stands behind it.
Jeremy Marshall Listen in as Glen Scrivener interviews former bank CEO and terminal cancer patient Jeremy Marshall about how his faith affects his life and his death. The interview is followed by a talk.
Luke 7:11-17 There are some subjects we’re happy talking about (the weather, hobbies etc), but there are other subjects we try desperately to avoid. In this passage, we meet a widow burying her only son. Listen in to how Jesus can help us in the face of a topic we’d rather just avoid – our own deaths.
Psalm 90What would you do if you had…15 minutes to live? In God’s eyes are lives are that short, or even shorter, like a dream. Our years are ‘soon gone…and we fly away’ (Ps 90:10). In light of God’s eternity, how will we respond? The world’s ways (which don’t work), or God’s ways?
Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14Life is fleeting, but it is also a good gift from God for us to enjoy in dependence on him. So carpe diem and make the most of it! Does that sound to you unspiritual?!
Philippians 1:12-26 The motto of the wharf could be summed up in 4 short words- Make Gain. Avoid Loss. But what does it really mean to Gain? How do we define Loss? How can Paul, the Christian leader, believe that he’s gained, even when- facing imprisonment and death- it looks like he’s lost? Listen in as Jesus redefines our understanding of gain.
Philippians 1:12-26 The motto of the wharf could be summed up in 4 short words- Make Gain. Avoid Loss. But what does it really mean to Gain? How do we define Loss? How can Paul, the Christian leader, believe that he’s gained, even when- facing imprisonment and death- it looks like he’s lost? Listen in as Jesus redefines our understanding of gain.
Isaiah 40:6-11 “I shop for things I don’t need. I buy things that are too expensive which makes me feel better about myself temporarily. I shop more when I’m sad,…
Various What does it mean to say that the gospel is about all of life? The gospel is only an inch from all of life, and deals with the deepest issues of the human heart.