Acts 17:1–15 We need to receive the gospel, the word of God about the Christ who had to suffer, rise from the dead, and reigns as king over all!
Acts 17:1–15 We need to receive the gospel, the word of God about the Christ who had to suffer, rise from the dead, and reigns as king over all!
Acts 16:16–40 Where do we expect God to be at work? Changing lives by the gospel! This is the case for all, and therefore, it’s with hope that we can proclaim the good news.
Acts 16:6–15 Where do we expect God to be at work? Changing lives by the gospel! He directs his mission and grants new life by opening the heart to faith in Christ.
Acts 1:1-11 The risen and exalted Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will empower his followers to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the good news
Acts 16:6-40 Sometimes people who aren’t Christian say ‘I’m not the churchy type’. But actually there is no churchy type. In Acts we see Jesus pursuing unlikely people and then uniting them together as one family – as he is still doing the same today.
Luke 9:1-20 Sometimes what we think will fill us, leaves us empty – work, relationships, family, hedonism, religiosity. What should we do when we’re not sure we’ve got the answers ourselves, let alone the answers to give others? Listen in as Jesus shows us how he can fill us and others.
Luke 9:1-20 Sometimes what we think will fill us, leaves us empty – work, relationships, family, hedonism, religiosity. What should we do when we’re not sure we’ve got the answers ourselves, let alone the answers to give others? Listen in as Jesus shows us how he can fill us and others.
Daniel 12:1-3 As Christians look ahead to a week of talks across the Wharf, Roger Carswell asks: ‘How can Christians share their faith?
1 Chronicles 28:1-18 Do you long to do something with your life that will make a difference in the world? Do you ever day-dream about giving up your job and going off to do something more useful? But right here and now each of us can already make a big difference in the world, using the one thing we have in abundance that 90% of the world’s population don’t have.
1 Chronicles 29:1-18Do you long to do something with your life that will make a difference in the world? Do you ever day-dream about giving up your job and going off to do something more useful? But right here and now each of us can already make a big difference in the world, using the one thing we have in abundance that 90% of the world’s population don’t have. Do join us at the lunchtime talks this week to find out more.