2 Timothy 1:3-18This letter of 2 Timothy is all about two gospels, two loves, and two models of ministry.
2 Timothy 1:3-18This letter of 2 Timothy is all about two gospels, two loves, and two models of ministry.
Romans 5:1-11 Does God love me? Sometimes we may be tempted to doubt whether he does because of sin in our lives. At other times it may be because of suffering, when we wonder why God has allowed this to happen to us if he really loves us. This passage shows us where we can find assurance of God’s love at such times.
Isaiah 52:13-53:12The big question is not ‘Can I accept God?’ but ‘Can God accept me?’ This chapter tells us how. The preacher Charles Spurgeon was once asked to sum up the Bible in a sentence. His reply was ‘Jesus died for me’. It’s a truth revealed here 700 years before Jesus was born.
Psalm 6The Sunday School song goes “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. But what if you’re not happy, and you know it? Then what? That is when we need the psalms of lament.
1 Peter 2:13-25 Remaining faithful to Christ can often be costly in an increasingly intolerant society. But it is the path that all true believers are called to walk. Peter asks us to look back to the example of Christ at the cross to be empowered to follow in his steps as we carry on doing good despite the cost.
1 Peter 1:1-12 Christians all go through suffering in life. Why is there suffering and how can we get through it? We can learn lots from Apostle Peter – the veteran sufferer shared his secret on how to suffer well.
1 Peter 1:1-12 Christians all go through suffering in life. Why is there suffering and how can we get through it? We can learn lots from Apostle Peter – the veteran sufferer shared his secret on how to suffer well.
Luke 4:31-44 The Manchester bombing has convinced us all over again that evil and suffering are still massive problems in our world. Listen in as we see Jesus’ power to deal with both of these enemies.
Luke 4:31-44 The Manchester bombing has convinced us all over again that evil and suffering are still massive problems in our world. Listen in as we see Jesus’ power to deal with both of these enemies.
Psalm 6The Sunday School song goes “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. But what if you’re not happy, and you know it? Then what? That is when we need the psalms of lament.